Saturday, 26 January 2013


A - 26/365
You were so thrilled to be finally meeting Zianne today and although you were a little over excited at times you were so sweet and gentle and waited so patiently for a cuddle. 
Baby Zianne's arrival was a big adventure for us all as I had the complete honour and privileged to be her mommy's birth partner so in exchange for a hot chocolate you, your brothers and your daddy were rudely awakened by me at 4.15 on the morning of her arrival so that I could go and be with your Auntie Jade (who was amazing by the way).   Zianne was very cooperative though and after a little adventure she arrived just two and a quarter hours later so I was back home with you for 9.00am  You had been so pleased when I rang to tell you all that Auntie Jade had had a baby girl and then the wait began for the big meet......

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