Sunday, 28 August 2011


Well we made the most of the Bank Holiday weekend and my mom's lack of cooking today (we often invite ourselves for Sunday lunch, but she was otherwise engaged) by going for a picnic to Evesham Vale Light Railway . This place was an amazing little find, but I will fill you in on our adventures there another time I just want to take some time today to get down my reasons for blogging which I had intended to make my initial post, but I got slightly sidetracked.

Inspired by the lovely Beth I had considered starting a blog on and off probably for about a year, but I was a little concerned about not being able to find the time to keep it up to date and I feel like I have failed at or failed to finish a lot of things since I left school and as silly as it sounds I just didn't want to add to that list, but the idea kept coming back to me so I decided to bite the bullet and get on with it for a number of reasons really.

One of those reasons is my children who I love with all my heart and who amaze me everyday, however despite my best intentions before their arrival I have not managed to keep on top of recording their milestones or keeping their baby books or memory boxes up to date which makes me so sad when I think about it.  I was like a swan for that first year though; so many people told me how calm and together I seemed and whilst I may have appeared like that on the surface in the water my legs were paddling like mad just to stay afloat and to be honest I barely remember any of the first year of their life which I do find quite upsetting.  So anyway I have now resolved to put that right going forward (admittedly quite late at almost 3 years after their arrival) so that at least they have some kind of record of our lives together to look back on.  It also means that, as we are like ships that pass in the night for four nights of the week, my lovely husband will be able to read all about what the kids and I have been getting up to during the day.

Another big thing for me is that I find getting things down on paper quite therapeutic especially if I am upset or confused about something and mostly I just write them on a piece of paper and throw them away when I have processed it so it will be good for me to have a record of these things here.  Don't worry though I will forewarn you if  a post is bit "woe is me" so that you can skip those bits if you would prefer.

Oh and as an aside I am hoping that blogging will help me to realise my accomplishments; instead of worrying about what I didn't manage to get done in a day or a week I will be able to see what I did and focus on that.

And so it begins....


  1. Blogging is a great way to get a few minutes of me time :) i try and update twice a week, but don't feel guilty if i can't. It helps that i link up with handmade monday, cos that gives me a day to aim for. Give it a try (you don't have to be dead crafty just do something 'handmade' i often blog about caoimhe's messy play!
    Looking forward to reading about the picnic. Sounds fun, especially at a railway- Caoimhe would love that!

  2. I can't believe you started a blog and I didn't know about it! I'm so pleased for you, and sorry I'm coming to it so late. I've been on hiatus and for some reason I don't get comments on old posts emailed to me for moderation, so I didn't see your comment back in September, and hence only just found you. Off for a good read-through now, but can I just say - YAY! And welcome to the blogosphere ;)

  3. Thanks for the welcome lovely. Am just glad to see you back, was getting a bit concerned there for a minute x
