One of the things I had always wanted to do when I had a baby was to babywear so when I found out I was carrying twins first time around I was quite gutted about having to abandon the idea. I am sure seasoned babywearers will tell me it is possible, but at the time I didn't have a clue where to start and I just wouldn't have been confident enough.
This time around I knew from the outset that it was something that I really wanted to do. My go to on this subject has therefore been this post of Beth's and the Natural Mamas Forum. Natural Mamas is a fabulous resource for babywearing and all things attachment parenting so I got some really useful information from some in the know mamas. I also found out that there are a couple of local sling meets so am hoping to get along to one soon, although I feel like a bit of a fraud as I really am a babywearing virgin.
For those of you in the know you will see that we have started with a stretchy, specifically a Moby in our case, which I bought pre-loved from a mama at Natural Mamas and I plan to move on to a woven when Teeny is bigger and I feel a bit more accomplished in the babywearing stakes.
Whilst I am very new to babywearing I do have to say that I absolutely love wearing Teeny and it feels very natural to me. I am trying to do it whenever I can so that I become more confident about it, not to mention that it makes walking with two three year olds or just popping into the shop for something much easier than having to think about a pushchair.
My husband made all of the right noises about babywearing whilst I was pregnant, although I have to say I wasn't all that convinced that he would give it a go once Teeny arrived. I must now hold my hands up and say that I was very wrong. No sooner had I worn Teeny on his first babywearing adventure to have him registered than my husband that very same afternoon insisted on wearing Teeny for his very first trip around Ikea!
I really hope that our love for babywearing continues and that this is just the start of the journey. My only real concern at this stage is that the purchasing of babywearing paraphernalia could, like the purchasing of cloth nappy paraphernalia, become quite addictive if I allow it to so I imagine that I will have to exercise some willpower and reign myself in at times!