When looking for photographs for this week's post there weren't that many, but there appeared to be a running theme of cuddles. It wasn't a conscious choice, but it happened nonetheless and I imagine this has a lot to do with our youngest.
Teeny has always been a cuddly baby child, but since December his speech has come on at a rate of knots and with it a greater understanding of him by many of the people around him. We have literally gone from understanding very little of what he says to being able to have conversations with him and it has become clear that "tuddle" (cuddle) is probably his favourite word.
He really is such a sweet and affectionate little boy and we are so blessed that he is ours. He completes our family so perfectly and his love for those around him, especially his brother and sister sometimes make me feel like my heart might explode at any moment.
Beep Beep Dan'da (Grandad) |
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More beep beeping Grandad's nose |
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Making up. |
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My Hero |
I can't believe that I will get cuddles from this gorgeous child really soon!!! Neve is also not really a baby but I notice myself calling her 'my baby' a lot. She's my last baby and it's hard to let go of having one. But I guess once they can boss you about in tiny sentences and join in games with the older ones its not so true any more. Lovely, lovely cuddly pictures.