My little ol' blog was set up originally just for my kids and for little ol' me really so I feel very excited that the lovely Helen at Raindrops 'n Roses has given me this award. For all things domestic goddess like you should definitely check out her blog. I just do not know where she finds the time!
I do have to say though that I did laugh at her reference to me being calm. That is the swan effect my lovely (calm and serene on the surface, paddling like mad underneath to stay afloat).
So back to my lovely shiny award.

The Liebster Award is given to bloggers who have up to 200 followers in the hope it will bring them new followers and friends. The tradition is that it is then passed on to five other bloggers to help them too. This is where I am going to struggle as I just don't follow enough people, not really sure why that is to be honest. Mental note to self to find some more lovely blogs to follow. I am sure that there are plenty of them on here.
I am told that to accept the award, you need to:
1. Link back to the person's blog who gave you the award and thank them.
2. Post the award on your blog.
3. Give the award to five fellow bloggers who inspire you.
4. Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know.
So onto the important bit and selecting five blogs to give the award to. I think I am going to reserve judgement on this for now and go away and find myself some more blogs to indulge in as there aren't many that I follow and most of the ones that I do have lots of followers anyway. I should, however, say that if Helen hadn't given the award to me she would clearly be one of them. I just adore all of her crafting, but also all of the lovely things she seems to find time to do with her girls. She really inspires me to delve into my depths and search out that little bit of domestic goddessness.
On a final note I must just give Beth @ My Name is Beth this award because hers was the blog that got me thinking about blogging. I really enjoy finding out what she has been up to with her little man and we are similar in some ways with our approach to parenting, except that she seems more comfortable in her own parenting skin than me so I seek out inspiration from her blog. I bet you didn't know that did you lovely so thank you.
I'll get back to this in a few days with the rest of my awards.
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